Tax Vox Editor: Want to Do Something About Greenhouse Gas? Try A Carbon Tax (Forbes)
donald hnatowichsays
I believe that placing a price on carbon emissions is the best way to do this. A revenue-neutral carbon tax could lower corporate and other taxes while encouraging energy conservation and efficiency, and the further development of renewable energy sources. If done properly, the annual dividend check to all households could ensure that most would not lose financially. A good example of a successful carbon tax has been in place for 5 years in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Despite a major decline in their carbon emissions, the economy of the province has kept pace with the rest of Canada. Astonishingly, the tax is actually as much as 65% popular, no doubt helped by the dividend checks. The threat is real and the solution is within reach. All that is missing is a Congress with the courage to lead on an issue that former president Jimmy Carter has called one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced.
donald hnatowich says
I believe that placing a price on carbon emissions is the best way to do this. A revenue-neutral carbon tax could lower corporate and other taxes while encouraging energy conservation and efficiency, and the further development of renewable energy sources. If done properly, the annual dividend check to all households could ensure that most would not lose financially. A good example of a successful carbon tax has been in place for 5 years in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Despite a major decline in their carbon emissions, the economy of the province has kept pace with the rest of Canada. Astonishingly, the tax is actually as much as 65% popular, no doubt helped by the dividend checks. The threat is real and the solution is within reach. All that is missing is a Congress with the courage to lead on an issue that former president Jimmy Carter has called one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced.