Battle Lines Forming on Carbon Tax (SFGate)
New Poll Finds Overwhelming Support For A Carbon Tax Over Spending Cuts For Deficit Reduction
New Polls: Carbon Tax Overwhelmingly Preferred Over Spending Cuts (Think Progress)
Distributional effects of a carbon tax in broader US fiscal reform
Distributional Effects of a Carbon Tax in Broader US Fiscal Reform (AEI/Brookings)
Make Your Own Deficit-Reduction Plan
Interactive Deficit-Redxn Calculator Shows How CO2 Tax Could Help (WSJ)
Gore: Carbon tax could help U.S. back away from fiscal cliff
Gore: Carbon tax could help U.S. back away from fiscal cliff (Reuters)
Key GOP Senator Signals Openness to Carbon Tax
Key GOP Senator Signals Openness to Carbon Tax (EnergyBiz)
U.S. carbon tax could halve deficit in 10 years: report
Report: CO2 Pollution Tax Could Cut Deficit in Half in 10 Yrs (Reuters)
Could a carbon tax help the U.S. avert the fiscal cliff?
Brad Plumer: MIT Study Suggests Carbon Tax Role in Averting Fiscal Cliff (WaPo)
Who Pays the Bill for Wall Street's Mess?
Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Calls for Carbon Pollution Fee (Rob’t Borsage, Huff Po)
Bipartisan Support Grows for Carbon Price as Part of Debt Deal
Bipartisan Support Grows for Carbon Price as Part of Debt Deal (Joe Romm, Climate Progress)