Leaked E-Mails Shine Rare Light on Denialists (NYT)
Senate Republicans try to tie Keystone XL approval to US highway bill
GOP Senators Try to Tie Keystone XL Approval to Highway Bill (Platts)
How the Sierra Club Took Millions From the Natural Gas Industry—and Why They Stopped
Sierra Club Took $25 Million From Nat’l Gas Industry (TIME blog)
"End of America's Coal Era" in Sight
“End of America’s Coal Era” in Sight (Economist)
What the Frack? Is there really 100 years’ worth of natural gas beneath the United States?
How Much Frack Gas? (Slate)
Smart Money says Tar Sands Will Gush with or without Keystone
Smart Money Says Tar Sands Will Gush with or without Keystone (NYT)
Burning Love
Marcellus Shale: America’s Lastest Fossil Fuel Craze (Eliz Kolbert – New Yorker)
Keystone XL pipeline decision to be investigated.
Inspector General to Investigate Permitting Process for Keystone XL Pipeline (NYT)
Keystone Pipeline debate heats up
TransCanada Admits Keystone Jobs Figures Inflated (Wash Post)
Obama advisers fret over pipeline's political risks
Obama Advisers Fret Over Keystone’s Political Risk (Reuters)