United Nations secretary general Antonio Guterres, while convening the U.N. Climate Ambition Summit, reported in At a Summit on Climate Ambition, the U.S. and China End Up on the B List, New York Times, Sept 20.
Watching TV and seeing everything burn, it’s hard to stay interested in world problems when there won’t be a world. Every summer will be hotter. It will always be worse.”
Italian student Sara Maggiolo, 16, quoted in How Do We Feel About Global Warming? It’s Called Eco-Anxiety, by Jason Horowitz, New York Times Rome bureau chief, Sept. 16.
In many parts of the world, including some of the most densely forested, trees are not perfect allies for tree-huggers anymore, and forests no longer reliable climate partners. What was once the embodiment of environmental values now seems increasingly to be fighting for the other side. In some places, fighting harder each year.”
NY Times climate correspondent David Wallace-Wells, in Forests Are No Longer Our Climate Friends, Sept. 6.
Asked what the country should do to combat climate change, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of the Heritage Foundation’s energy and climate center, said ‘I really hadn’t thought about it in those terms.’”
A Republican 2024 Climate Strategy: More Drilling, Less Clean Energy, by Lisa Friedman, published in the NY Times, Aug. 4.
If anybody in New York is wondering why there’s smoke there, it’s because the fires here are unstoppable.”
Fabrice Mossé, commander of a team of 109 French firefighters battling climate-charged forest fires in northern Quebec, quoted by New York Times reporter Norimitsu Onishi in ‘The Fires Here Are Unstoppable,’ NYT, June 18.
Fossil fuel divestment is surely one of most useless climate change tactics ever invented. It has had no effect on the companies, or more importantly, the climate. And it never will.”
Veteran journalist Joe Nocera, in Divesting from Big Oil Is an Empty Gesture, The Free Press, June 7.
Fossil fuel companies are producing something that society has been eagerly gobbling up. We have to drastically reduce demand.”
John Holdren, chief science advisor to Pres. Obama (2009-2017), in New York Times, Many Young Voters Bitter Over Biden’s Support of Willow Oil Drilling, April 25. The article, by climate reporter Lisa Friedman, added that Holdren “opposed the Willow project. But he believes that driving down the demand for oil and gas — as the Biden administration is trying to do by expanding clean energy and encouraging electric vehicles — is more effective than blocking drilling. If everyone is driving electric cars, there’s less need for gasoline, the theory goes.”
If the world wants to limit warming, it will have to limit demand for oil and gas because [the oil] industry can deliver this kind of volume for many more decades.”
Espen Erlingsen, a partner at the research firm Rystad Energy, in “Even as Nations Push Renewables, Oil and Gas Projects Come Roaring Back,” New York Times, April 6. (Headline in digital edition: It’s Not Just Willow: Oil and Gas Projects Are Back in a Big Way)
We allow the fossil fuel industry, economists, politicians, celebrities, random people on the internet, the youths that are leading the climate movement — everyone has a stake and a right to comment on these climate policies except, it seems, those of us who have subject-matter expertise in the area. That seems like an odd policy and I take issue with it.”
Earth scientist Rose Z. Abramoff, interviewed on “Democracy Now” about being fired from her research job at the federal Oak Ridge National Laboratory for her public-facing climate protests, Jan 19, 2023 (quote begins at 54-minute mark).
It’s not trade protectionism, it’s a level playing field.”
Pascal Canfin, chair of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee, commenting on a preliminary agreement between E.U. member states and the European Parliament to impose a tariff on imports from countries that insufficiently price their carbon emissions, in Europe Reaches Deal for Carbon Tax Law on Imports, New York Times, Dec. 13.
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