Dave Roberts (Finally) Pronounces Cap-and-Trade Dead (Grist)
Cap-And-Trade: Time For Plan B?
James Hansen Rails Against Cap-and-Trade Plan in Open Letter – NASA Scientist Advocates Using Fee-and-Dividend Approach to Reducing Carbon Emissions
James Hansen Rails Against Cap-and-Trade in Open Letter, Advocates Fee-and-Dividend to Reduce Carbon Emissions (Guardian – UK)
Carbon Trading Nonsense
Sarkozy demands EU-wide carbon tax
Good News in Copenhagen Meltdown
The Price of Disappointment
Senator Graham Says Shape of Senate Carbon Controls Is Up in the Air – Open-Minded re Carbon Tax
Senator Graham Says Shape of Senate Carbon Controls Is Up in the Air – Open-Minded re Carbon Tax (The Hill)
Climate expert James Hansen on the Copenhagen summit, climate change science and a carbon tax
Climate expert James Hansen on Copenhagen summit, climate change science and carbon tax (Democracy Now!)