What’s Obama’s Climate-Legislation Schedule? (TNR: The Vine)
Obama Urgent on Warming, Public Cool
EPA Pick is 'Open' to Carbon Tax
What Fits Better — A Cap or a Tax?
Carbon Prices Tumble as Global Downturn Bites
No Alternative
From Lord Stern to Obama On Crafting Carbon Cap and Trade: Don’t Give In to Pressures
From Lord Stern to Obama On Crafting Carbon Cap and Trade: Don’t Give In to Pressures (greentechmedia)
Energy Inefficient
Letter to Joe Romm: NRDC Responds to Criticism of USCAP's Blueprint
Policy Experts on U.S. CAP Endorsement of Cap-and-Trade: 'Right Intent, Wrong Policy'
Policy Experts on U.S. CAP Endorsement of Cap-and-Trade: ‘Right Intent, Wrong Policy’ (US Carbon Report)