Majority in U.S. Support Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax (Yale/Geo Mason)
Crunch Time Coming for U.K. Carbon Commitment
Kyoto Plus 14 (Years): A Telling Graphic on Compliance or Violation
Burning Love
As U.N. climate talks get underway in South Africa, local strategies are replacing the Kyoto global pact
UNEP: Tools in Hand to Bridge the Climate Emissions Gap
UNEP Report Stresses Political Obstacles to Emissions Redxns, Ignores Need for CO2 Price (Env’t News)
EUAs could crash to 3 euros next year, says UBS
Bush-43 Top Scribe Tells GOP: Get Real on Carbon Pricing
Before Solyndra, a long history of failed government energy projects
Entergy CEO steps up demand that the industry deal with global warming
Entergy (Electric Utility) CEO Calls for “Carbon Fee” To Reduce CO2 Emissions & Deficit (Times-Picayune)