Greece in flames _ Valeric Gache, AFP _ 1 Aug 2018 _ cropped by CK
Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomalies, 1880-2020 _ downloaded from NCDC _ 15 March 2021
CO2 from U.S. Fossil-Fuel Burning _ from CTC_Carbon_Tax_Model_15_March_2021
CO2 from U.S. Fossil-Fuel Burning _ from CTC_Carbon_Tax_Model_15_March_2021
Oroville Bridge _ AP _ from NYT story _ 9 Sept 2020 _ Bidwell Bar Bridge over Lake Oroville, about 75 miles N of Sacramento _ per Brian Howald tweet _ cropped
TAX DIRTY ENERGY _ 17 Oct 2010 _ cropped 16 Jan 2021